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Every year the church invites us to mark the 40-day season of Lent until the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday. It begins with our Ash Wednesday service, March 5th at 6:30 pm. It is a season of intentional discipleship and sacrifice. In Lent, we focus more on confession, repentance from sin, and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Traditionally, the church invites us to focus on the spiritual practices of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving and to practice these together as a community.

We invite you to journey together through Lent in the following ways.

  1. Weekly Communion- Every Sunday in Lent, we will practice confession and observe Holy Communion together. This will help us center the sacrifice of Christ during this season. We invite you to prepare your hearts to receive this, including seeking reconciliation with others.
  2. Fasting- We are joining with other Covenant churches in our area in a corporate fast on Wednesdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will be praying especially for refugees and immigrants in DuPage County, as well as other prayer topics we will send to you each week. We invite you to fast either from food and/or screens. Fasting from food is not healthy for everyone so please choose the option that is best for you and your physical/spiritual health. During the time you would normally eat lunch and/or scroll on your phone, we invite you to intentionally pray for refugees, immigrants, and our weekly prayer points.
  3. Wednesdays: Praise and Prayer + Soup Supper- Each Wednesday in Lent, we invite you to come for a service of praise and prayer from 6:30-7:15 pm in the sanctuary. Additionally, we will have a light soup supper offered from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Lounge. Come early to eat and stay for praise and prayer.
  4. Almsgiving- We encourage you to adopt a charity or missionary to give an extra love offering to each week in Lent. As the need is so great, we will keep the giving link for World Relief up through Lent and you may make a weekly donation there (perhaps on Wednesday in place of the amount you might have spent on food).

We are looking forward to how God will meet us in all these things. May his love and grace transform us as we seek his face anew this Lent.